Vine Street Designs - Sharon Nummer, Canine Artist
The Artist
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Commissioning artwork of your dog:

The following information takes you through the steps needed to achieve that special memorable portrait of your dog. I work in pastel, acrylics and colored pencil. All art materials I use are of the highest professional quality.

Prices for colored pencil drawings and pastels are based on head and chest compositions with no painted or drawn background. Prices for painted backgrounds in acrylics and pastels are based on the size of the painting. Simple backgrounds work very well to maintain the focus of your dog.

You will need to supply me with very clear, sharply focused photos. Several photos are best, as I can get to know your dog from these photos. Your dog's face is extremely important to the portrait. When creating the portrait, I need to be able to see your dog's eyes clearly. This is critical to the finished painting.

Once I have the photos, I will keep in touch with you through the whole painting process. I begin with a sketch, which is e-mailed to you. Once you have approved the sketch, I begin the painting or drawing. When I have completed the painting, I will send a photo to you by e-mail before it is shipped.

Prices and Terms:

A 50% deposit is required to begin the artwork. Once I have completed the work, the final 50% of the price is due. All artwork is shipped by priority mail with insurance. Payments can be made by PayPal, money orders, personal checks, or Visa / Mastercard. Please allow time for personal checks to clear.

I retain copyrights to all my artwork. Any use or duplication of the artwork image is strictly prohibited without written permission from me. I retain the right to use images of my artwork for publicity or marketing purposes.

Photography Tips:

The key to shooting a good photo, is for both you and your dog to be relaxed. It is much easier to photograph a well rested, relaxed dog. You may need to attempt this in short sessions.

The best photos are taken outdoor in natural light. An overcast day will give good results. You do not want to shoot in bright harsh sunlight. This will create very inaccurate colors in your dog's coat. Black dogs are difficult to photograph well. Do not use a flash as it almost always creates the red eye syndrome.

It is very important to get down to your dog's level. This will give the proper perspective of your dog's features. Shooting looking down at your dog, distorts the features. Take several close-ups of the face.

You know your dog the best, their personality, expression and their special poses. Keep that in mind when taking photos; those characteristics will make the painting truly unique to your dog. For instance, does your dog cock his head to one side...cross her paws when sitting? These are all wonderful characteristics of your own dog and a joy for me to capture in a painting.

Please do not hesitate to e-mail me with any questions about taking photos of your dog. Above all have fun doing it, this is all supposed to be fun!

Contact me:

Prices for Colored Pencils & Charcoal Drawings

Prices are based on head and chest compositions. Full body drawing are more.
All sizes are in inches.

4-1/2 X 6-1/2 matted in a soft white mat for a frame size of 8 X 10
7-1/2 X 9-1/2 matted in a soft white mat for a frame size of 11 X 14
Prices for Pastel or Acrylic Paintings
9 x 12
11 x 14
12 x 16
16 x 20
18 x 20
Custom painted backgrounds generally add $30 to the price depending on the complexity of the background you desire.



Vine Street Designs | All Rights Reserved 2013
